living in TF

VISAS for Non EU

A Complete service. Step by step process from A to Z, every procedure and requirement in detail, simplified to make it easy for you, TIE in your hand.

T.I.E (Photo ID Card)

For British Nationals: A straight swap from a green Registration Certificate or With proof of residency prior to 31.12.2020

Registration Certificate

(aka green NIE)

For European Nationals Spending Three Months or More in Spain or Working In Spain.

N.I.E (white)

This is a fiscal Identification Number assigned to Anyone Wishing Make a Purchase in Spain
This is not a Residency Document


We Only do Pre arranged appointments at GPs

dentist appointments




Phone consultations:

GP Phone appointments
Hospital consultations and updates for relatives

social security

S1 registration

overseas healthcare service
Tel: +44 191 218 1999

new affiliate number

debts & embargo's

Spanish pension applications

Spanish & British pension applications combined

Convenio Especial

Paid National Healthcare


AGM for Communities.

company's training .

Police Reports.

help with Phone Contract.

civil Court Hearings.

funeral arrangements at the time of need, full support and assistance.


Notary translations.

Assistance at Hacienda AEAT.
(the Inland Revenue)

School Registration.

Open Bank Accounts.

Birth Registration.

Pre planned and pre paid funeral arrangements directly with the source, no extra charges from a middle-man.


Town Hall

"PadrĂ³n" Registration
Empadronamiento Certificates
Cohabitation certificates
Tax payments.

Disputes: Endesa, Movistar etc...

Official Written Translations.



Obtaining Spanish Nationality

If you need a translation and it is not listed, call us. We also do written translations, write letters to the various administrations and letters to the ombudsman if necessary.